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Aim of  founding  Hellenic Rescuecommando Club of Preveza

Some of the purposes for which the Hellenic Rescuecommando of Preveza was founded are:


  • To organize and train volunteers with the aim of providing assistance to the state apparatus in cases of natural disasters, disasters caused by natural or human causes and major accidents as well as in matters of environmental pollution

  • The creation of a Special Multi-Mission Rescue Team (EMS) for forest firefighting, rescue of trapped people from earthquakes, snow and remote areas and underwater investigations, which will be part of the Office of Civil Protection and the Emergency Policy Planning of the Prefecture of Preveza

  • The creation of a section of radio amateurs with the aim of spreading and promoting the service of the radio amateur and making it available in cases of emergency.

  • The attempt to achieve contact and communication between the commandos who are in Greece and abroad.

  • Helping its' members in need by creating a blood-donor group.

  • Providing assistance to society as a whole in the form of humanitarian missions in situations:

        a) Of emergency and national need to deal with disasters or serious environmental risks such as earthquakes, blockades (snows,floods), fires,                    missing person investigations (especially in mountainous or maritime areas), where the Club is able to provide assistance in human resources                  and technical equipment which can be available by the association to anyone requested, in rescue contexts as well as at an international level.

        b) Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, avalanches, etc.)

        c) Man-made disasters (fires, mass accidents, etc.)

        d) Man-made crises (war conflicts with natural or man-made disasters

        e) In any other exceptional situation comparable to natural or man-made disasters to strengthen social sensitivity and the spirit of volunteering

The provision of aid also includes disaster prevention and preparedness operations or similar situations

It is of great importance to add that the Assistance provided by the union is offered without any racial, religious, political, economic, social or other discrimination

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